Do you want to plan the perfect wedding? Luckily, you have found a great place to get advice! This piece will show you some great tips and ideas to make planning a wedding easier and allow you to create some great memories that will be with you always.
Leading up to your wedding, you will want to find a top makeup artist to do your makeup, which will maximize how you look. This is very important as you will want to be as glowing as possible and hide any imperfections so that you can be flawless when your big day comes.
Most weddings are planned to fall on the weekend. If you are looking to save money, consider having your wedding during the week. Venues and hotels have higher prices during the weekend since that is when most people want those things. Switching to a weekday could save you a decent amount of money.
You don’t have to have a white or ivory wedding dress if you don’t want to, so spice up your wedding day with some color! You can choose a pastel color that highlights your hair or eyes, or have bursts of a bright color like red highlighting the details on your dress.
Even if your budget is small, having two photographers at your wedding can catch shots that might be missed otherwise. Consider asking family members to take on the roll as an additional photographer, or even have both photographers be someone you know personally. Free is the best way to go, and they might even give you the end product as a wedding gift.
One of the most awkward moments at a wedding can be the bouquet toss. If women don’t want to get involved they shouldn’t be pressured to, so let the DJ know not to say anything to upset the guests. Take a poll before the wedding to see if anyone is really interested in participating and if not, skip it!
You don’t need a big, expensive, flashy wedding cake. Talk to your local bakery owner about something smaller, or pre-cut into individual portions. Many bakeries will offer healthier options, such as 100-calorie cupcakes, fruit fillings, meringue toppings, or gluten-free ingredients.
Remember to serve non-alcoholic drinks at your wedding reception. When people are planning their wedding reception, they just assume all of their guests will want to drink alcohol, which is not always the case. Also, there may be children or teenagers at your wedding, who obviously, cannot drink alcoholic beverages.
If you are attending a wedding, make sure to bring a gift or a card and arrive on time. Once the processional has started, you won’t be able to be seated until after it has finished, and unless you are a close personal friend, it may be awkward to have you standing in the foyer watching the bridal party as they prepare to walk down the aisle.
Now that you’ve got all these great ideas, you need to start making your plans. With any luck, you can relax on the actual wedding day and enjoy what you’ve accomplished with your spouse.