When you are planning your wedding it can sometimes feel like your wishes can become second to everyone else’s. You might have your heart set on daisies while your mother is pushing for roses. Maybe you love brown and pink for your bridesmaids dresses, but your maid of honor is pushing for red. This article should help give you some tips for making sure your wedding is YOUR day.
When sending out your wedding invitations, remember that it is your day, so avoid any person or combination of people that will ruin it in any way for you. It may be an insult to someone not to be invited, but if having them at your wedding will cause even the slightest of issues for you or your future spouse, it is really in your best interest to keep them off your guest list.
How your complexion looks is a major factor of the wedding as you will want to reduce the amount of blemishes that you have. You will experience anxiety, so combat this by drinking more water than you usually would. This will help to flush out the toxins in your body, giving your skin a natural glow.
If there will be toasts or speeches given at your wedding reception, ask the speakers to practice in front of you to ensure that the material is appropriate for those attending your wedding. Remember that your guests will include people across a wide range of ages, and a joke that younger generations find amusing might be offensive to older guests.
For the woman who is about to get married, don’t skimp on the dress. This is your day to shine, to look the most beautiful you have ever looked before, and to be decorated with unending compliments. So go buy that expensive dress you have always dreamed of wearing on your wedding day.
Make sure that your photographer does not get in the way of your wedding and simply focuses on documenting the experience with pictures. Tell him your wishes in advance so he knows that you will want your space to maximize your experience. This will help you to have a great wedding day.
Remember that the reception is the time for you to let loose, but do not act too wild as your in-laws will be at the wedding. Make sure that you dance and have the time of your life with your friends as you will cherish these moments for the rest of your life.
Put a lot of thought into the seating chart that you create for your wedding. Make sure that the elderly do not have to travel a long way to get to their seat and that your family is close to you. Also, try to have the members of each family sit with each other.
As stated at the beginning of the article, while planning for your wedding, sometimes your wishes are met with resistance from loved ones. Although they mean well, it is important to remember that this is YOUR wedding day. Hopefully this article has given you some great tips for tactfully dealing with everyone’s input, while keeping your own wishes first.